Strictly for Promotion. SUPPORT Legal HK & Japan Comic Publishers! Our efforts will be proven double-edged unless you people buy the actual printing and support the HK & Japan Comic scenary. Requests will NOT be entertained, We simply scan what we like. It breaks our backs just to do this. This is not charity, we have a CAUSE to fight.
salam bro,
ko punya shoutbox dh xde ek?
aku da buang...
byk spam...
salam...bro, ade x wira tunggal phoenix 326-331??puas da aku cari x jumpe2 da...kalu ade info tlg email aku ea...
sori la...
aku pon tgh carik gak ni...
stok buku aku pon xde pt tu...
Bro, rapidshare bwt hal kot..slow sgt laa download...ziddu pn same jgk... x gerak2..
@ EddiE:
gune la mf...